The following is a summary of work I led. The most up-to-date list of my publications, including coauthor contributions, can be found on my Google Scholar page.


John, C., Avgar, T., Rittger, K., Smith, J.A., Stephenson, L.W., Stephenson, T.R., and Post, E. 2024. Pursuit and escape drive fine-scale movement variation during migration in a temperate alpine ungulate. Scientific Reports. article

Conceptual diagram showing that multiple environmental factors may drive selection of elevation by Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep.


John, C., Kerby, J.T., Stephenson, T.R., and Post, E. 2022. Fine-scale landscape phenology revealed through time-lapse imagery: implications for conservation and management of an endangered migratory herbivore. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. 9(5). article

Comparison of green-up dates derived from time-lapse and satellite sensors.


John, C. and Post, E. 2022. Projected bioclimatic distributions in Nearctic Bovidae signal the potential for reduced overlap with protected areas. Ecology and Evolution. 12e9189. article

Modeled distribution of North American Bovids.

John, C. and Post, E. 2022. Seasonality, niche management, and vertical migration in landscapes of relief. Ecography. 2022:e05774. article

Animals migrate vertically on mountains, continental slopes, and everywhere between. Landscapes of relief shape the spatial pattern of seasons.


John, C., Shilling, F., and Post, E. drpToolkit: An automated workflow for aligning and analyzing vegetation and ground surface time series imagery. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 13(1).

Aligned time-lapse photos reveal coherent seasonality in vegetation greenness.


John, C., Miller, D., and Post, E. 2020. Regional variation in green-up timing along a caribou migratory corridor: Spatial associations with snowmelt and temperature. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 52(1) 416-423. article

Home range of the Kangerlussuaq-Sisimiut Caribou Herd.