This is because information can be lost during the mathematical reshaping process that happens when we convert grids from one projection system to another. Below, we will see that reprojecting a raster dataset can dramatically affect the data that it contains.
Load the relevant packages. Also, set a randomization seed so that every time you run this code from the top, it will reproduce the same results.
# Load packages, set seed
# Set seed for replicability
set.seed(-356) # The start of the conquests of Alexander the Great
Make up some data, and create a raster object. Assign the raster a few relevant spatial properties so that we can contextualize what’s going on.
# A made-up raster dataset located in northeast Arizona
madeUpData <- matrix(runif(10000,0,100),
# Set up extent information of bounding box
xmn = 300000
xmx = 400000
ymn = 4000000
ymx = 4100000
# Start out with a common coordinate reference system:
# The Universal Transverse Mercator (units are in meters)
# Zone 13 runs up through Arizona and New Mexico
AZ_UTM = "+proj=utm +zone=13 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs"
# Compile the raster using the data, projection information, and extent information
baseRaster <- raster(madeUpData,
crs = AZ_UTM,
xmn = xmn, xmx = xmx,
ymn = ymn, ymx = ymx)
main = "Original raster")
Let’s get ourselves oriented by plotting the extent of the data over the 4-corners region in the US Southwest.
# Access the 4 corners states using the USAboundaries library
myStates <- us_states(resolution = "low",
states = c("Arizona",
"New Mexico",
# Spatially transform the states lines to the baseRaster crs
myStates <- st_transform(myStates,crs(baseRaster))
# Look at where the made up data lives
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = myStates) +
Let’s generate a list of CRS systems to work with. These 9 epsg codes all specialize in Arizona, so are (approximately) comparable reference systems to the starting one. I searched “Arizona” in [] to find them. Next, use a for
loop to iterate the reprojection process using each of the CRS systems. Finally, project back to the starting point using the baseRaster
object as a template.
# List of potential CRS systems to project to
mySystems <- c("+init=epsg:2222",
# Make a new raster based on the one we made above
newRaster <- baseRaster
# Use a `for` loop to iterate over projections
for(i in 1:length(mySystems)){
# For each of the projections listed above...
myCRS <- mySystems[i]
# ... project the last raster to the new projection
newRaster <- projectRaster(newRaster,
crs = crs(myCRS),
method = "bilinear")
# Convert newRaster back to baseRaster projection
newRaster <- projectRaster(newRaster,
crs = crs(baseRaster),
method = "bilinear")
First use the all.equal()
function to get a boolean value and any relevant warnings indicating whether the starting raster and reprojection result are equivalent objects.
# Check if all cells are equal
all.equal(newRaster, baseRaster) # Nope!
## Warning in compareRaster(target, current, ..., values = values, stopiffalse =
## stopiffalse, : different extent
## Warning in compareRaster(target, current, ..., values = values, stopiffalse =
## stopiffalse, : different number or columns
## Warning in compareRaster(target, current, ..., values = values, stopiffalse =
## stopiffalse, : different number or rows
## Warning in compareRaster(target, current, ..., values = values, stopiffalse =
## stopiffalse, : not all objects have the same values
## [1] FALSE
Clearly there are some differences: everything from extent to cell values has changed. Plot the starting raster next to the result of several reprojections. Are they the same image? What differences arose?
# Plot the two raster sets side-by-side:
xlim = c(xmn,xmx),
ylim = c(ymn,ymx),
main = "Original raster")
xlim = c(xmn,xmx),
ylim = c(ymn,ymx),
main = "New raster")
In fact, if we had not included the xlim
and ylim
arguments in the above calls to plot()
, we would see that the newRaster
has a much larger extent than the original baseRaster
. Compare histograms to check out differences in the distribution of values.
# Plot histograms
breaks = 2500,
main = "Base raster")
breaks = 2500,
main = "New raster")
Hint. Think about what bilinear interpolation is doing.
Can you imagine a real-life scenario where this would affect your work?